Saturday, December 17, 2011

Grown-Up Tips: Merging Onto the Interstate or Freeway

OK, so this isn't really a grown-up tip. It just really annoyed me that I tried to merge onto I-95 this afternoon behind an Expedition going exactly 43 mph.

You just don't hit the end of the acceleration lane at 43 mph. Just don't do it. Ever.

Semi-trucks are the exception. Personal vehicles should be able to get up to about 10-5 miles below the speed limit AT LEAST, if not the actual speed limit at the end of the acceleration lane. If your car can't do it, then stick to the side highways and roads.

Ok, so...grown-ups obey speed laws, and that means speeding up on a high-speed road. That is all.

This has been sort of like a grown-up tip, brought to you by a reluctant and impatient grown-up.

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